Google SEO in 2024: Simple Steps to Master the Game

The first real accomplishment I had with blogging was ranking for SEO. Something so many bloggers deemed an unachievable feat, I had no problem succeeding with. Perhaps it was all of the underpaid and overworked freelance work I dedicated my life to prior or the ridiculous amount of online coursework I dedicated myself to, but either way, I had it mastered. My most successful blog was getting up to 50,000 pageviews a month and this was heavily related to my ability to get my posts to rank, even over some of the biggest companies in the country.

During this time, if there was one lesson I wanted to share it was to stop overcomplicating it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can feel mysterious. Companies love to sell you 'magic' solutions, but the truth is, that ranking well on Google comes down to consistent best practices that focus on the user. There is no magical formula.

Think of it this way: Google's number one goal is to give people the absolute best answers to their search queries. That means your job is to create content and a website experience that truly serves your audience. Keep this in mind, and you're golden! It IS that simple; however, it doesn’t mean sticking to it is easy. That’s why I have created this guide to help you have the best experience possible when navigating SEO.

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty habits that will make your content stand out and blog traffic sour in 2024 and beyond.

Technical SEO: The Strong Foundation

Think of this as the sturdy frame of your house. Neglect it, and everything else will crumble. You need it to not only function but be reliable. That’s what we are going to call the technical SEO aspects. These are things that should be built into the website that you don’t have to focus on after. Here's what they are:

  • Site speed:
    You do not need some magic speed score. You need a website that doesn’t keep your readers waiting. The more they wait, the quicker they bounce. Test your site's load time with tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights. Aim for pages that load completely in 3 seconds or less. Ways to improve this are to resize and compress photos, host videos outside of the website, and be careful not to overload your website with extra plugins or code. Keep it neat and clean and the rest will work out.

  • Mobile-friendly: This is a no-brainer in 2024 but I STILL see businesses and bloggers make this mistake. Mobile is the PRIORITY. Use a tool like Google Search Console's Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure your site looks perfect on any phone or tablet.

  • Secure Structure (HTTPS): Just like with being mobile optimized, be sure you have a security certificate on your site. This is another mistake so many websites make that should not. This means your URL starts with "https" and has a little padlock icon. Most hosting providers offer this for free.

  • Clean code and sitemaps: MOST sites keep code clean. If you're not a coder, some website platforms handle this well automatically. An XML sitemap is like a directory for search engines.

User Experience (UX): Put Your Visitors First

Google wants to see that people enjoy being on your site. This improves the end-user experience. Here's how to deliver:

  • Easy navigation: Your top-level menu should be super clear, with dropdown options if needed. Can visitors find the most important things within a few clicks?

  • Accessibility: Use a tool like WAVE ( to check for accessibility issues. Think about people who may use screen readers or have difficulty with color contrast.

  • Core Web Vitals: These metrics are key to Google. They measure loading speed, responsiveness when users interact with your page, and if elements on the page shift around unexpectedly while loading.

  • Readable design: Big blocks of text are intimidating! Use headings, shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and images to break things up.

Remember, the better the experience, the longer people interact with your content, the better you rank.

Content is King

If there is one thing you should take away from this blog, it’s to create new content constantly. This is particularly true for your website but also for social media, which will help drive awareness, traffic, and provide keyword search for your website. The more content the better the results. Google rewards websites that consistently provide valuable information frequently. Here's how to create content that shines:

  • Long-form content: Long-form content is king when it comes to this stuff.

  • Write naturally: Imagine you're explaining something to a friend – keep it simple!

  • Answer questions clearly: Directly address common concerns your readers might search for. (Ex: If you're a plumber, a good post would be "How to Fix a Leaky Sink"). At its core, this is what keyword optimization actually is.

  • Go beyond keywords: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to see related phrases people search for and weave those naturally into your content.

Optimize your images and videos to boost your search rankings:

  • Descriptive Images: When naming image files, be specific (instead of "picture1.jpg", use "red-apple-on-branch.jpg." 'Alt-text' describes the image for search engines and screen readers.

  • Engaging Videos: Embed relevant videos within your articles. Add captions for accessibility and for viewers who watch without sound. Pro tip: Upload to YouTube for an extra visibility boost.

  • Image size matters Super large images slow down your site! Use an image optimizer tool to reduce file size without losing quality.

Content is Still King for SEO

If there is one thing you should take away from this, it’s to create new content constantly. This is particularly true for your website but also for social media to promote your website. The more content the better the results. Google rewards websites that consistently provide valuable information frequently. Here's how to create content that shines:

  • Quality over quantity: A few in-depth, well-researched posts are better than lots of thin ones.

  • Solve problems: What are your audience's pain points? Answer them thoroughly.

  • Clever keywords: Use research tools to find the phrases people are searching for, then use them naturally in your headlines, subheadings, and throughout the content.

  • Backlinks: When other reputable websites link to you, it tells Google you're a trusted source. Build relationships in your niche, guest post on other blogs, etc.

  • Internal links: Guide visitors further into your site with links to relevant articles. This keeps them engaged!


Remember, SEO in 2024 (and beyond!) isn't about outsmarting Google. It's about building a genuinely user-friendly website, packed with informative content that answers your audience's most important questions. By focusing on the fundamentals we've discussed, you'll create a solid foundation for sustained SEO success. Track your analytics to see what's working, be willing to tweak your strategy, and above all – be patient. SEO is a long-term game, but with dedication and a focus on quality, you'll see your website climb the search results and reach the audience you deserve.

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